Phono Solar unveiled three new modules at the US SPI 2016
360w Perc Monocrystalline High Efficiency Moduleand 300W PERC monocrystalline high efficiency module, which are designed specifically for civil roof distributed power plant projects and can effectively enhance the overall output power of the system. The generating capacity of unit area module can be improved by over 10% compared with common modules.
325w Polycrystalline High Efficiency Module, with module efficiency higher than the average level of the industry, mainly applied in ground public utility power plants and large-sized roof-type commercial distributed power stations. The application of this high efficiency module may effectively cut off the installation cost of the power plant system and enhance investment returns.
As a matter of fact, Phono Solar has been evaluated asTier-1 Module Manufacturerby Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), marking it a Top 10 Tier-1 Module Manufacturer in the world. In the Q1 of 2016, PV Evolution Labs (PVEL, currently a wholly owned subsidiary of DNV GL) issued its comprehensive test results on photovoltaic modules. According to it’s a series of strict testing on international Tier-1 module manufacturers, among all module manufacturers, only Kyocera from Japan andPhono Solarfrom China have been ranked TOP Grade in all tests ([Authoritative Interpretation] TOP Grade in All DNV GL Tests: What’s the Secrets of Phono Solar?).
Such test results were exhibited at Phono Solar’s exhibition this year on flattened large posters. Once exhibited, such results were widely highlighted and recognized within the industry.
Presently, there’re over116upstream and downstream firms on the photovoltaic industrial chain in Nevada with a total employee number of 8,800. In 2015, Nevada planned photovoltaic projects with a total installed capacity of 417 MW, ranking 3rdin the United States. Therefore, Las Vegas in Nevada was selected as site for SPI 2016 this year. According to the latest reports of GTM Research and Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), all sectors of the US photovoltaic markets have acted powerfully in Q2. According to SEIA’s report, the national photovoltaic installed capacity of Q2 is 2.05GW, a year-on-year growth of43%,of which 1GW was photovoltaic projects of public utility level. According to the report, presently, the total installed capacity of public utility level projects under construction is 10GW and the new capacity estimated to be increased in the second half of the year is 7.8GW. Based on such data, the total photovoltaic installed capacity of the year in the United States is estimated to be 13.9GW.
With this regard, Geng Geng, Deputy President of SUMEC Energy, expressed: “Whatever the American Presidential Election result will be, at least in future three years, it is anticipated that the photovoltaic market in the North American markets will remain forcible, which is of no doubt. This also proposes higher requirements on photovoltaic module suppliers.”Phono Solar will adhere to continuously enhance differentiated products and customer values, satisfy higher demands of the customers, maintain and develop its own competitive edges in the new round development of the photovoltaic industry.